Monday, 29 August 2011

Junior Practicum Syllabus

Here is the syllabus for 2011, Fall Semester:

Junior Practicum – Fall


This class will be largely based on TED talks, to be found on the Internet. Students will watch the presentation online and take notes; then we’ll watch together in class, discuss the topics and the vocabulary. Students will also required to make short presentations and present them to the class. The class will provide feedback.

Grades will be based on homework and presentations (20%), midterm (30%) and finals (40%).

Note: most talks will be about 5 to 7 minutes. Two or three will be longer.

There will be a Course Package for this class, to be bought or downloaded.

Provisional Class Schedule

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Making a Prezi (

Week 3: David Gall shows underwater astonishments

Week 4: Patricia Kuhl: The Linguistic Genius of Babies

Week 5: James Geary – Metaphorically Speaking

Week 6: Jonathan Drori: The beautiful tricks of flowers (fairly long – about 13 minutes)

Week 7: Janet Echelman: Taking imagination seriously

Week 8: Midterm Exams

Week 9: Jessa Gamble: Our natural sleep cycle

Week 10: Esther Duflo: Social Experiments to fight poverty (about 16 minutes)

Week 11: Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys?

Week 12: Robert Hammond: Building a Park in the Sky

Week 13: Julian Treasure: Four ways Sound Affects Us + Five Ways to Listen Better

Week 14: Ron Gutman: The Hidden Power of Smiling

Week 15: Joachim de Posada says, don’t eat that marshmallow yet

Week 16: Final Exams

Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

Albert Einstein

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